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I wait for you in the shell of night by the shore in the hum roaring from the depth of the sea in the holes in the sky’s cape in linden and acacia among pines and cedars in the underbelly of the waves, in salt — Adonis, from “Psalm,” Adonis: Selected Poems. Trans. Khaled Mattawa.… Continue reading Adonis

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Classic · Collection · Contemporary · Excerpt · Passage · Poetry · Syrian Culture · Syrian Literature


Nonetheless I still await you. In the shells of night along the seashore in the roar coming from the sea’s depths in the holes that fill the sky’s gown in jujube and acacia, in pine and cedar, in the lining of the waves-in their very salt I wait for you. — Adonis, from “Psalm,” Mihyar… Continue reading Adonis

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